
iPhone Temperature Issues – How Do I Fix Them?

iPhone Temperature Issues – How Do I Fix Them?

As you are browsing the Internet on your phone, you notice an error message pop up that states that the phone’s temperature is too high. Uh-oh. What do you do now? Below, we will discuss some of the things you can do to handle a temperature-related error that appears on your phone. It is important to keep in mind that overheating of a phone can cause serious damage to the logic board, so it is vital that you take the proper steps to cool your phone down to minimize damage.  Get the Phone to a Cooler Place  If your phone is displaying a temperature error, this means that the temperature being detected is too high and further temperature increases or prolonged constant temperature can result in damage to the phone. You want to make sure you cool your phone down to get rid of the error. It is recommended by Apple that your iPhone operate between 32 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit and remain between -4 and 113 degrees Fahrenheit when not in operation.  To cool your phone down, turn it off and get it to a cooler area. For example, if you were outside in the sun, put the phone in shade or take it into your home. You do NOT want to place the phone in the fridge or freezer as this can lead to stress cracks.  Attempt to Turn the Phone on and Test it Out  After you have allowed your phone to cool down, you want to attempt to turn it on and see if you continue to receive the temperature error.  If you do not receive an error immediately, use the phone and see if there are any issues with it. If you can use the phone and do NOT have any issues, then you have avoided the phone being damaged by exposure to heat.  If you continue to receive temperature error messages or the phone is acting differently, you should attempt to troubleshoot it.  Restart Your Phone and Test it Again Attempt to restart your phone and wait until it has completed its full reboot cycle. Once the phone has restarted, attempt to use it again and see if you continue to receive errors or have trouble with the way it functions. If you do not, then the phone may have just needed a restart, but if you do, then continue to the next step.  Have Your Phone Inspected by a Professional  It is likely that your device suffered some damage if it continues to behave oddly or it continues to have error messages pop up. It is best to have your phone looked at by a professional who can diagnose the exact issue going on with it. Continued use of a phone that has a temperature error can result in severe damage to the motherboard.  Your phone may have sustained damage to the logic board from the heat itself. If the motherboard has been damaged, you will start to see that your phone behaves in an odd manner such as the screen may stay black, you may not be able to turn it on, and the device may not recognize the battery.  Manhattan iPhone Repair Can Help You  Logic board issues with your phone can be scary, especially since you could lose all the data on the device. At Manhattan iPhone Repair, we offer you quick logic board repair service. Our team will look at your phone to determine what is causing the temperature errors and then determine what repairs are needed to restore your phone’s functionality. If there is a problem with your motherboard, you will likely need to have it repaired or replaced.  Do not wait too long as your phone may not turn on. Call us to schedule an appointment or bring your phone directly to our repair center.