Our technicians at Manhattan iPhone Repair have been providing affordable rear glass repairs for the XS Max. We stock on parts and can finish up your phone same day.
Cracks in the rear glass can lead to problems with your rear panel if water and dust get into the panel.
Your rear glass will start looking murky if dust gets into the cracks in the rear glass of your iPhone XS Max.
If the crack starts fragmenting, your fingers could get cut while using your phone.
For those too busy to come in, we can send someone to you to get your iPhone XS Max. They will then bring it back to the store, where we will fix it the same day and send it back to you. NYC is all about convenience, and that is exactly what we are trying to provide.
We can fix your phone at our location near Macy’s in NYC.
We give warranties for our iPhone XS Max services.
Our techs are able to perform most repairs, including other hardware and cosmetic changes.